LE20 20米量程,IP65防护等级,精致的外观
LE20是L10的升级产品,在保证精度的同时将量程增加到了20m, 防护等级提升到了IP65,以满足各种户外应用。
量程: 0.05-20m;精度: 5%
速度: 100HZ;通讯: UART
防护等级: IP65
The OptoMET Dual Fiber SWIR Vibrometer consists of a SWIR vibrometer and a flexible Dual-Fiber head. Using an additional fiber switch multiple fiber heads can be connected to the vibrometer, so you can multiplex many
different channels (2, 4, 8, 16, ...), the fiber switch comes with an electrical interface (Ethernet, USB, TTL, ...) and can be remotely operated by a PC.
Stable and waterproof Peli case for safe keeping and transport of vibrometer.
External dimension (L x B x H): 61.9 x 49.2 x 22.3 cm
Compact und light transport bag for the outdoors-measurements
Transforming the not-visible infrared light into a spot of visible light.
Portable battery charger, external battery power bank. For powering the vibrometer when performing outdoor measurements.
Stable and waterproof transport case.
Stable and waterproof transport case.
Precisely align your vibrometer with high quality tripods by Manfrotto
Precisely align your Fiber measurement head.